More Sales In 22 Look Like These 5 Things


(By Loyd Ford) We all want to know how to sell more in 2022. A big year for radio? How do you give certainty to growing your unfair share of sales in the New Year? Let’s start with these 5 ideas.

  • Spend some time understanding DISC personality profiles and learn to use them with clients and potential clients to become a consistent better fit for growing your sales individual client by individual client.
  • Selling today is about knocking down roadblocks for clients. Your clients and buyers are busy. You think it’s easy for them – it isn’t. Making it easier for buyers to see and get results will place a halo over your head when they think about you in the problem-solving world they live in today. The more you focus on their experience in solving their problems in 2022, the better your sales will grow, grow, grow.
  • The great sellers have depth of information in a faster-than-you-can-keep-up-world. You can get speed at your fingertips in 2022. But when clients or buyers need more information, they will grow to depend on those who have depth-of-knowledge again and again.
  • Make sales engagement your first goal for improvement in the new year. The more contact you have where you have clearly seen value, the more you will be welcomed in to solve the problems of 2022.
  • Make getting in touch with you easier in 2022. I can’t tell you how many times a seller will bomb me with some generic email from a different email address than their own and place no contact information in the email or I go to a website of a product I am interested in and I can’t find any contact information. You think I’m kidding – you should check your marketing. Even look at your email. Is there ENOUGH easy contact info or does your buyer or client have to struggle to find you? Steve Jobs was onto something when he always talked about simple, simple, simple. If it isn’t simple enough for your potential clients, they will just simply remain…. potentials.

Salespeople don’t get paid for ‘potential sales.’ Use these 5 with your sales team as idea starters to make doing business with them this year better, easier, more value focused and more customer focused.

And grow that radio revenue. Everything else is noise.

Loyd Ford consults radio stations, coaches personalities, and provides behavioral and strategic programming to radio with RPC. If you’re on the Clubhouse app, you can join Loyd’s radio pro encouragement group “The Encouragers.” Reach him anytime. 864.448.4169 or [email protected].


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