Republicans Challenge Increasing FCC Regulation At Hearing, A 2024 Radio Halftime Report
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Radio Ink - Radio's Premier Management and Marketing Magazine
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Radio Wrap For Sunday 07/14/24

Joe BidenShould Biden be replaced as the Democratic candidate for president, what are the implications for media ad spend? Radio Ink discussed this and several other pressing election issues for radio with BIA Advisory Services’ Nicole Ovadia and Silver Oak Political President Steve Passwaiter. [read more]

Rosenworcel HearingThe Federal Communications Commission's party lines clashed with Congressional party lines on Tuesday morning, as all five FCC Commissioners met in a hearing with the House Energy & Committee Communications and Technology Subcommittee. [read more]

Curtis LeGeyt at the headquarters of the National Association of Broadcasters in Washington, DC, on April 13, 2021.(By Curtis LeGeyt) NAB continues to be on the frontlines for broadcasters in the nation’s capital, leading the charge to keep AM in the dashboard, shielding local radio stations from any new performance royalties and fighting to level the playing field with big tech. [read more]
The New Radio Ink Arrives Tomorrow
Tomorrow morning, Radio Ink crowns the 40 Most Powerful People In Radio and unveils its bold new look - in print and digitally. Plus, the radio response to Saturday's attack on former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail and sales strategies from Pat Bryson, Loyd Ford, and Jeffrey Hedquist.

FCC Seal LargeIn June, the Federal Communications Commission voted to reinstate the radio duplication rule for commercial FM stations, following a petition from the musicFIRST Coalition, Future of Music Coalition, and REC Networks. Now we know the date that rule returns. [read more]

RMSS 2024In two months, radio's top sellers and sales teachers from across America will converge on Cincinnati for the third annual Radio Ink Radio Masters Sales Summit. Here's your first look at the sessions where you'll find your next million-dollar sales idea. [read more]

sunrise radio towerFor the first time since 2007, the Federal Communications Commission has issued an update concerning the operating powers of AM broadcast stations during pre-sunrise and post-sunset hours, as affected by Daylight Saving Time. [read more]

Radio BillboardIt's been well-documented by now that radio outperforms over-the-air television as a mass reach medium, but what about radio's effectiveness versus over traditional advertising? A new report suggests that audio may have a leg up on another old rival: out-of-home. [read more]
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